It's been far too long since my last opportunity to get into the field with photo equipmment. Between two art shows, spending 6 weekends completely rebuilding my display booth from the ground up, and the regular stresses of teaching, I've found my time completely taken.
Finally, as spring break rolled around, I made plans to head to Jackson Hole with the hopes of photographing the Tetons with a cloak of white. Just before I left, a strong winter storm loomed on the horizon causing me to attempt to cancel my motel reservations. Because I had bought them at an extraordinary rate, the motel refused to cancel, so I decided to come anyways.
I'll post three days worth of images here at the same time. I don't have that many simply because the light has been flat with heavy overcast and even 4" of snowfall. Nonetheless, the area has shown the marvelous diversity of wildlife and scenery for which it is famous. Here are a few of those sights.
This blog will feature periodic updates detailing my most recent photo opportunities. Through the images and narrative, my hope is to share adventures with those who wouldn't otherwise experience the wildlife and vistas of the West.
About Me

- Tim Doolin
- An 8th grade English teacher for the past 16 years, my interest in photography began in my early teens. An avid Fuji Velvia shooter for years, I finally purchased my first digital camera, a Canon 20D, in January of 2005. I started my photography business on the side in 2004, and it has grown into a second career. I love how my teaching profession and photography business work so seamlessly together. Today, I find myself shooting in excess of 100,000 images a year, including wedding imagery, senior and family portrait work, sports team and action shots, and my true passion, landscape and wildife. I'm actually doing what I always dreamed and I feel totally blessed.